If fashion blogging is something you secretly want to do, do it! Stop making excuses, and don’t hold yourself back. For those who are looking for stylish timepieces without the hefty price, replica watches can be a great option to consider. I also mentioned in my previous blog about the watch repairs I had and the great experience to recommend.
If you’re afraid of rejection or failing, don’t be! The blogging community is amazing and I encourage you to follow your dreams because you don’t know what you are cable of creating until you go out and do it!
I’ve been blogging for about two years facing a ton of rejection. At times I become discouraged but I’ve learned to channel it and turn it into determination. Even to this day, I go back to the drawing board and create a new plan with goals to turn all of my No’s into Yes!
For more tips, check out my How To Fashion Blog series – ‘Fashion Blogging For Beginners: The Mistakes I Made Starting My Fashion Blog.’ In this post, I am going to talk about how:
– I did not decide on a Blogging Platform (creating my own website), from the very beginning
So let get to it!
WordPress.0rg vs. Your Own Website
This is not exactly a mistake, however; I feel like it has set me back from my own blogging goals. If you are following my How To Fashion Blog series then you know that I started my fashion blog venture with a free account on WordPress.org. This is an amazing site however, it is recommended that you promote your brand by creating your own website for the following reasons:
- Having your own website will give you more freedom with the ability to customize your blog and many other possibilities.
- Google won’t rank your blog if you do not have your own website and if you wish to monetize your blog, you want that Google ranks you so that people will find your little blog in the infinite sea of websites.
- Having your own website will allow you to put as much content on it as you like.
Overall, having your own website is far better to manage and get recognition with. Getting ranked by Google is easier said than done. I am still working towards that goal and trying to master the art of SEO.
If you ladies have any suggestions, I am all ears!
If you are looking for just the basics than WordPress.com is the perfect platform for you. With WordPress.com (the free version), I had everything I needed to put myself out to the public as a Fashion Blogger because they have a great blogging community to connect with.
Creating Your Own Website
If you decided to get your own website there are many domain hosts to choose from. I am using is godaddy.com. I had to pay a pretty penny for my domain and hosting but it is for the whole year and it is so worth it. There are other hosting sites you can look up like Bluehost– I recommend this one for Fashion Blogging the most.
Make sure that when you choose a title for your blog and choose a domain address that it is the one you want to keep for years and years to come. One of the downsides to getting my own website is the fact that I do not know a lot about web design. I am learning through YouTube videos and by playing with the customized features of my website.
Switching My WebSite
Switching my blog to my own platform and having to start all over again was not easy, I left the blogging community that WordPress.com offered and started posting on a website that no one ever visited.
How do you get people to start reading your blog? If you guys have any helpful tips, feel free to share them by commenting below!
To be perfectly honest, I have owned my own website for a year and 3 months and I just started receiving some traffic on it.
Point is, I wish I would have started my own website from the beginning because it would have saved me more time and it would have saved me from having to build up my site all over again.
I hope that this post has instilled some insight into Fashion Blogging for all of you who are new to the fashion blogging world.
If you ladies have any more suggestions and input please share your knowledge by commenting below!
Keep Chasing your Dreams!
-Brandi Kimberly
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Love this! Being a blogger is hard but good advice like this is fantastic!
Thank you Liz! It is, its not as glamorous as it appears.
These are some great tips! I am still waiting for my big break, but I do have a website. More than anything I love being able to have a creative outlet:)
Wish you so much success!
victoria | victoria@thesoutherntrunk.com
What a chic look, I love your vest
Great post, thanks for sharing 🙂 I love your outfit too!
Camille xo
Great post; a very good read! Love the color of your bag…
You look lovely dear, love the bag.
Good post! I enjoyed reading it. Kandidlykim
Hey! Just be patient! You are a great blogger. I wish you the best. BTW I love the vest!!!